An Old Wall Street Journal Hedcut of Will Smith
Happy Memorial Day everyone! "Men in Black 3" is the big film release this holiday weekend, and as it happens - I'm seeing it with friends later this afternoon. I have created quite a few hedcuts of Will Smith for The Wall Street Journal over the years. This particular effort was for Joe Morgenstern's (somewhat lousy) review of "Men in Black 2" published 10 years ago this summer. Sometimes I find it interesting to reacquaint myself with an old drawing like this. I remember actually doing the drawing but some of the dot patterns surprise me...I'm almost sure I would make different (but not necessarily better) choices today. I am proud to say that Will Smith personally owns two of the original pen and ink renderings I created of him for the Journal - one from "Hitch" (2005) and the other from "I Am Legend" (2007).